3D Interior Fashions/Urban Vibes by HD

Sample Receipt Form

Product Name: Urban Vibes by HD
Quantity: 1

I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge the receipt of the above-mentioned samples from 3D Interior Fashions (Urban Vibes by HD) for the purpose of evaluating and incorporating into my decorating projects.

I understand that these samples remain the property of 3D Interior Fashions and I am responsible for their safekeeping.

In the event that either party (3D Interior Fashions or the undersigned Decorator) decides to terminate the business relationship or part ways for any reason, I agree to return all received samples coordinating pick up/drop off with my assigned Regional Sales Manager.

Any lost or unreturned samples will be subject to a charge of $125.00 per sample book. The undersigned decorator agrees to pay this amount for the unreturned sample.

I, the undersigned, have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined above. I agree to comply with the sample return policy and accept the responsibility for any lost or unreturned samples.

Signature is required.
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